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Wiki > rclone

rclone is a command line program to manage files on third-party cloud storage providers.


rclone is installed by default on all of our servers.


You can run rclone commands via SSH.

Run rclone config to start configuring rclone. Once configured, you can use all of the standard rclone commands.


Extensive documentation for rclone is available on its homepage.


Do not use FUSE-mounted folders with BitTorrent clients.

You might receive the following error when using FUSE mounts without root privileges. This is fine and it can be ignored. The error is:
mount helper error: fusermount: failed to open /etc/mtab: Permission denied

Many guides on the Internet have said to use the "allow_other" parameter, however you should not do this. This is only intended for when Plex runs on its own user account, and on a shared system it would mean other users being able to access your mounted data. We have this module disabled and you will receive errors if trying to use it.

If you receive this error:
mount helper error: fusermount: failed to chdir to mountpoint: Permission denied
It means that the mountpoint is broken. Forcefully unmount it with fusermount -u ~/mountedfolder and then mount again normally.

Finally, do not plan on moving data directly to your mounted remote storage, for example with move-on-completion functions in your BitTorrent client. It simply will not work well, and rclone's mount function is not designed for that. While it can work on occasion, you will encounter issues. You should upload the data to the remote storage first, such as rclone's copy or move functions. Do not download torrents to mounted remote storage, and do not upload from mounted remote storage.

To force an unmount you can do fusermount -uz path/to/mount

You can view your paths that are currently mounted: df -h | grep user

If you receive this error in rclone:

    DEBUG : Daemon timed out. Terminating daemon
    Fatal error: mount not ready

You will need to remove the --daemon flags from your rclone command and launch rclone in screen instead: screen -dm rclone Check the example mount command below for our current recommended way to launch rclone mount.

Example mount command

We get asked frequently what parameters we suggest using for rclone when mounting third-party cloud storage for the purpose of streaming through a media player. We recommend against doing this at all, but in the interest of it not negatively impacting the servers more, the flags in this command should be used when supported.

screen -dmS rclone rclone mount --buffer-size=32M --vfs-cache-mode=minimal --vfs-cache-max-age=6h remote: ~/mount/

Linking multiple slots storage

There are finite limits on the size of single plans that can be offered, but you can mount the storage from multiple slots on to one. The most common scenario for wanting to do this is for use as a media server. To do this you will want to create an sftp remote to your other slot(s). Most importantly, you cannot use BitTorrent or Usenet/Nzb apps on the ancillary storage mounts as it will cause many issues, but simple file operations like uploading and download (and streaming) will work great.