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Wiki > Sonarr

"Sonarr is a PVR for Usenet and BitTorrent users. It can monitor multiple RSS feeds for new episodes of your favorite shows and will grab, sort and rename them. It can also be configured to automatically upgrade the quality of files already downloaded when a better quality format becomes available."


Sonarr is available as an app on your Manage page. Select Manage Apps next to the slot you want to use Sonarr on. On this page, select Add Sonarr and provide your Whatbox password. After a short wait, you can click Open Sonarr to open Sonarr. You can also access Sonarr from your Manage page.


Sonarr updates are currently managed by us. Attempting to use the built-in automatic update or restart functions in Sonarr will fail. If you have attempted to update Sonarr and Sonarr is no longer accessible, connect to your slot via SSH, run pkill -f Sonarr.exe; rm ~/.config/Sonarr/sonarr.pid and then restart Sonarr from your Manage page.

Connecting to clients

Connecting to rTorrent

Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select rTorrent. Enter rTorrent or a label of your choice for the Name, and your Whatbox site password for the Password. All of the other options can be left the same.

Connecting to Transmission

Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select Transmission. Enter Transmission or a label of your choice for the Name, and your Whatbox site password for the Password. All of the other options can be left the same.

Connecting to qBittorrent

Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select qBittorrent. Enter qBittorrent or a label of your choice for the Name, and your Whatbox site password for the Password. All of the other options can be left the same.

Connecting to Deluge

Make sure the Deluge WebUI has been enabled from the Settings link on your Manage page.

Under Settings > Download Client, select to add a client with the + button and then select Deluge. Enter Deluge or a label of your choice for the Name, and your Whatbox site password for the Password. All of the other options can be left the same.

Common troubleshooting

If one of your Download Clients is unable to be added, there can be a couple of reasons for this:

  1. The app itself is not running. Ensure that this is the case by checking your Manage page.
  2. The password was entered incorrectly. This can happen when the password is pasted. Try typing it manually.

Automatically Restart

mono-based applications are inherently unstable and prone to crashing. Below are steps to take to have your Sonarr instance automatically restart if it crashes, or if the server is rebooted.

  1. Make a file to be used for the script. touch ~/sonarr_restart.cron
  2. Edit the file and enter the text below. nano -w ~/sonarr_restart.cron
if pgrep -fx "/usr/bin/sonarr" > /dev/null
    echo "Sonarr is running."
    echo "Sonarr is not running, starting Sonarr"
  1. Save the file with Ctrl+x and the "y" and Enter to accept overwriting.
  2. Make the script executable. chmod +x ~/sonarr_restart.cron
  3. Open your crontab. EDITOR=nano crontab -e
  4. Enter the following text
@reboot /home/user/sonarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
*/5 * * * * /home/user/sonarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
  1. Save the crontab with Ctrl+x and the "y" and Enter to accept overwriting.

To automatically restart a second radarr process that uses a different configuration (see below), create a new script file using the same contents but replace "/usr/bin/sonarr" with "/usr/bin/sonarr -data=/home/user/.config/Sonarr2" in both instances.

Advanced: Manually run another configuration

These instructions will create and run another configuration of Sonarr alongside your existing configuration. You will need to manually access and manage additional configurations of Sonarr, including starting them if your server is ever rebooted.

  1. Make a second Sonarr configuration directory
mkdir ~/.config/Sonarr2
  1. Make a second Sonarr configuration file
touch ~/.config/Sonarr2/config.xml
  1. Open the configuration file in nano
nano ~/.config/Sonarr2/config.xml
  1. Copy the contents of the box below into the ~/.config/Sonarr2/config.xml file, replacing any other configuration in the file
  1. Save changes by pressing ctrl+x, y and then enter.

  2. Start Sonarr in a screen session running in the background

screen -dmS sonarr2 /usr/bin/sonarr -data=/home/user/.config/Sonarr2

Sonarr will be accessible at http://server.whatbox.ca:25473 - Important: You must enable Authentication in Sonarr's Settings -> General tab, using the Forms authentication method with a username (user) and strong password.