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Wiki > Prowlarr

"Prowlarr is a indexer manager/proxy built on the popular arr .net/reactjs base stack to integrate with your various PVR apps."


Prowlarr is available as an app on your Manage page. Select Manage Apps next to the slot you want to use Prowlarr on. On this page, select Add Prowlarr and provide your Whatbox password. After a short wait, you can click Open Prowlarr to open Prowlarr. You can also access Prowlarr from your Manage page.

Automatic Restart (optional)

  1. Make a file to be used for the script. touch ~/prowlarr_restart.cron

  2. Edit the file and enter the text below. nano -w ~/prowlarr_restart.cron

     if pgrep -fx "/usr/bin/prowlarr" > /dev/null
         echo "Prowlarr is running."
         echo "Prowlarr is not running, starting Prowlarr"
  3. Save the file with Ctrl+S then exit nano with Ctrl+X

  4. Make the script executable. chmod +x ~/prowlarr_restart.cron

  5. Open your crontab. EDITOR=nano crontab -e

  6. Enter the following text

     @reboot /home/user/prowlarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
     */5 * * * * /home/user/prowlarr_restart.cron >/dev/null 2>&1
  7. Save the file with Ctrl+S then exit nano with Ctrl+X